Hobonichi Techo Official Guidebook 2016 Submissions: Tell us how you use your Hobonichi Techo!

Every August, we publish our annual Hobonichi Techo Official Guidebook, filled with lots of examples and techniques shared by our users. We’re now taking submissions to feature in our next book (currently Japanese-edition only). Both long-term users and those who have only started using a Hobonichi Techo this year are encouraged to participate. (Submissions may be entered on behalf of others.)

*Submissions have ended. We will contact you if we choose your entry for the guidebook. Thank you everyone for your participation!

Not only can you show off your own techo, you’re also welcome to show us wonderful examples from your family and friends. We look forward to seeing how you make your techo your own!

See below for details.

Type 1:“How I Use My Techo”

This section features interviews that introduce all the different ways people use their techos. We’ve learned a lot of neat things over the years, and we’ll introduce a few examples below. Of course, feel free to show us any kind of way you like!

I use it for a specific theme.
- Keeping a year-long “_____ Journal”
- Writing all about a certain hobby
- Drawing an art journal to show others
- Using it for business, with the occasional personal plans jotted in
- Keeping notes for housekeeping, child-rearing or health-tracking
- Studying for school or job interviews

I want to share this great idea!
- Finding a game-changing idea for the daily pages
- Decorating a cute cover
- Making daily entries fun with a must-have utensil
- Using a Hobonichi Techo alongside a smartphone
- Sharing pages on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram
- Scanning pages with a copying machine to share

I like using it with someone.
- Writing schedules and plans of all family members
- Talking with other techo fans online
- Sharing a techo among club members or classmates
- Following project progress among several employees
- Using as a communication tool in relationships
- Discussing with friends ways to use a techo

Am I the only one?
- A favorite use you want to share
- A story that started from your Hobonichi Techo
- You don’t use it much, but there’s a page you’re proud of
- Unique usage examples in each country across the world
- Writing personal entries every day
- Impressive usage examples by friends

Excerpt from the 2015 guidebook section: “The Life Books of 31 People” (Click to enlarge)

Type 2:“Techo Tips and Tricks”

The Techo Tips and Tricks section is a collection of little tricks users apply to make the best of their techo. If it’s a trick you can use in a techo, then anything is fine! Here are some of the ideas we received for our 2015 guidebook, which listed 70 tips and tricks:
- Index stickers for easy navigation (by user Abekawa)
- Recording lifestyle trends with a mind map (by user Atsushi Honda)
- Daily diary in comic-strip form (by user Shuhei Sakai)
- Keeping a list of belongings (by user nyao)
- Taping little photographs each day (by user Suu)

Excerpt from the 2015 guidebook section: “70 Hobonichi Techo Tips and Tricks” (Click to enlarge)

How to Submit

Please send an e-mail to techo@1101.com with the subject, “Official Guidebook Usage Example.”

Include the following in your e-mail message:
-Pen name
-Location (country and city)
-Photographs of techo pages you would like us to see

*If submitting on behalf of friends or family, please get their permission first.

Tips for photographing your Hobonichi Techo
Take the photo in a well-lit area.
Place your techo wide open on a flat surface and photograph from directly above.
Hide any private information with a sticky note or scrap paper.

*You may also use Photoshop and other image editing software to blur out anything you want to hide.

*Submissions have ended. We will contact you if we choose your entry for the guidebook. Thank you everyone for your participation!

Deadline: April 20, 8 AM PDT/3 PM BST

All entries must be submitted by April 20th. For users submitting “How I Use My Techo,” we will review the entries and contact you via e-mail if we would like to interview you in more detail.

For users submitting “Techo Tips and Tricks,” we will contact you before publishing, but in general, we use the photos and comments from your e-mail when publishing the material.

By sending us your photographs and comments, you also give us permission to post them on our website.

We can’t wait to see your own unique techo!
