ジョニー・ウィアー Johnny Weir 1984年アメリカ、ペンシルヴァニア州生まれ。 大寒波で凍ったトウモロコシ畑で 中古のスケート靴を履いて アイススケートを初体験し、 12歳のときはじめて受けた グループレッスンで明らかな才能を発揮。 13歳で全米選手権 ノーヴィス部門に初出場し3位。 16歳のとき、 世界ジュニア選手権でチャンピオンに。 2003・2004年シーズンで全米チャンピオン。 以降、全米選手権を3連覇。 2008年世界選手権銅メダリスト。 トリノオリンピック、総合5位。 バンクーバーオリンピック、総合6位。 2011年、結婚。ソチオリンピック出場を目指す。 |
Johnny Weir Johnny G. Weir was born in Pennsylvania, USA in 1984. His first venture onto the ice occurred one harsh winter when the corn field behind his house froze over. He skated in between the frozen corn stalks with a second-hand pair of skates he received for Christmas. At twelve, his extraordinary talent was exposed at the first group lesson he attended. At thirteen, Johnny placed third at his first competition, the US championships novice division. At sixteen, he won the World Junior Championship. He won his first U.S. Championship in the 2003-2004 season, and defended two consecutive U.S. Championships that followed. Placed 5th at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino. Bronze medalist at the World Figure Skating Championships. Placed 6th at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Married in 2011 and is currently aiming for the Sochi Winter Olympics. |