網の目のある惑星。 おーい、 と呼びかけてみよう。 |
こちらが原文。 *英語をぱしぱし使いこなしている方々へ* 「おいおいおい」という“つっこみ”どころ、 多々ありましょう。ごもっともでございます。 タニンの英語のスキルアップに貢献して下さる、 キトクなあなた! 御指摘、赤ペン添削、ありがたく受け付けます。 こちらまで。 ---------------------------------------------- 99.10.26--------------------------------------- In reivew of your homepage http:// www.1101.com/planet/original_q.html I see my uncle was interviewed last year to support your homepage. You also mention about how popular growing pumpkins has become. What I would like from you, is a person who I could contact (snail mail) or email to acquire the 1999 Japan pumpkin data. I have revised the Japan pumpkin record on http://www.backyardgardener.com/record.html and on this link, the Japanese grower is linked to a picture of his pumpkin. On this page http://www.backyardgardener.com/jappump.html mentions the city where the weighoff was held. Can you please provided me the full pumpkin weighoff results, so I can add them to these pages. http://www.backyardgardener.com/weighoff.html http://www.backyardgardener.com/pre.html Thank you Duncan McAlpine |
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