

*:* LOTS OF THANX to Sharad !!





Dear  Sharad,

i sent  some quetions to you.
Your "Eye-light photo gallery" is so marvellous
and gives me a kind of surprise.
i also have a kind of illusion; being "real" gallery.

By the way,
we become aware that we can see lots  of things
in the "wider" world by using INTERNET.
in fact, you live in INDIA and send your works to the world.
So we get them in JAPAN and enjoy your works :-)

i hope that readers of our site will also enjoy your works.
i'd like to recommend THIS superb site to our readers.

All right, let's begin the interview via "internet".
Why did you start this "virtual" gallery?
So that it reaches people all over the world.
You announce works of photographs both in the REAL world
and in CYBER space.
Do you think there is any different between "real" and "cyber",
when you announce your works?
if it was, what is it?
I think there is a difference because you do not get to see the actual quality of the work on the computer monitor but you can only see the idea or the look of the photograph

is there any MERITS of "virtual galllery" like this?
On the other hands, how about its DEMERITS?
I think the merits are that you get more publicity from the world over and can interact with different cultures and peopleThe demerit is that your ideas can be duplicated from anyone and one wouldn't know about it.

i guess you've met many people via this site
since you were established.
Are there impressive ones of them?
For example, a person whom you can meet only  on the web,
because of living so far-away country, and so on?

I have started interacting with art directors, designers and various photographers and suddenly the distances are have shrunk.The fact is that you are asking me questions and getting answers one wouldn't have dreamt of it earlier.

By the way, do you use "a digital camera"?
if you did, do you think that has new potentialities,
which "the current single-lens reflex camera" does not have?

I do not use a digital camera. None of  the photographs are digitally  retouched. I normally shoot on a large format camera (4"x5" format) for my still life work. I think digital cameras will soon replace film and will get better results but we are still in the initial stages.I work a lot on "Adobe Photoshop" it is an image enhancing and retouching software for my commercial work where I can improve the quality of the photographs.

Many japanese people, whom you never met, maybe,
is going to visit your site  - just we hope they will.
is there a message for them?

To tell you the truth-I am fascinated by the Japanese culture, tradition, gardens, bonsai, interiors and your hard work. I think my country and its people have to learn a lot from you people- from the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki your Country has come a long way to becoming one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world.

could you show our readers a piece of your photo work
- which you like best one of your latest works?

 I am enclosing my latest work.
Hope you like it

This is a last question.
What is the latest your favorite site - except your own site?
Please tell us?

http://www.ericmeola.com      I think he is a very great photographer

The interview is over.

thank you for your joining our site's project,
and your cooperation.

We hope that this is a opportunity to create
a friendship between your site and our readers.


i finish a work as a interviewer, right now.
Am i a good interviewer for you?
i'm awfully sorry that my english is not enough... ...

i'm visiting your site again, as a reader,
and email to you again.

Thank you for your time.


Sincerely yours,