Hobonichi Store Help

About our sales method and orders

Sales method at Hobonichi Store

Hobonichi Store's types of sale vary depending on the product.
Commonly, Hobonichi Store offers the following;
•make-to-order sale (accept all orders during distribution period)
•sale in a limited quantity (accept orders until the orders reach the prepared quantity)

The type of sale differs with the products. Please visit "Please read before placing an order" page for details. Also, information such as how to handle and care products or frequently asked questions is available on the product page.

System Settings

In order for us to receive your orders for products precisely and safely, information provided for Hobonichi Store Note such as customerユs address and credit card numbers are all coded and data communicated using Thawte SGC Super Certs (128bit SSL). For your order and handling to be convenient and easy, Hobonichi Store sales system uses "Cookie". To receive your order for products precisely and safe, we ask you humbly to put your orders through Hobonichi Store Note.

Please check your computer for the following settings before placing your order.
Please confirm your Operating System and your internet browsing software version.
Hobonichi Store recommends the following operation system and internet browser.

Windows OS:
Windows XP/Windows 2000
Internet browser :
Internet Explorer 6.0 Firefox 1.0.7 (or later)
Mac OS:
Mac OSX 10.3(or later)
Internet browser :
Safari 1.3(or later) firefox 1.0.7 (or later)


JavaScript and Cookie Setting Requirements

We use Coolies and JavaScript in our website.
Please enable JavaScript functions on your computer to use our site.
If your browser does not accept Cookies, please configure it to accept cookies from websites.

Please verify the date and time in your computer.

If the date and time is not set properly in your computer, an error message will be displayed, and you will be unable to use Hobonichi Store Note.

Before placing an order
• Is your time zone set in your country and district where you are located?
• Is date and time, set properly?
Please double check 2 points above.

Flow of your order completion

You can check the flow of your order completion from here.