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This product is only available with a January start date.

January Start Date Hobonichi Planner BookA6 English-language

The Hobonichi Planner, now in its third year, is the English version of the Japanese Original Hobonichi Techo. It was specially created in collaboration with ARTS&SCIENCE owner Sonya Park. The Hobonichi Planner takes all the great features of the Original Hobonichi Techo, including the one-page-per-day design, lay-flat binding and daily quotes, and refines them into a clean, simplified design. The chic black cover features a subtle engraving of the Japanese characters for techo along with the ARTS&SCIENCE logo. The 2015 edition comes with several updates to make it easier to use, such as including a dinner mark on the daily pages for recording meal plans.

The Hobonichi Planner includes monthly pages with calendars starting on Mondays.

Hobonichi Planner BookPlease Read
  • Book
    ‘Hobonichi Planner’
    A6 (4.1"×5.8")Starting on Monday

2,700yen(incl. tax, excl. shipping)Will ship in Late February

  • A6 (4.1"×5.8")
  • English-language
  • One page per day
  • January start date
  • Starting on Monday
Please Read

In order to provide you with the most satisfaction for your product, we've compiled a list of warnings, potential issues, and tips to keep in mind for this particular product. Please be sure to read this information carefully before placing your order.

Using fountain pens

Writing on the planner's Tomoe River paper with a fountain pen may result in ink bleeds or transfers from wet ink. When using water-based inks, we recommend testing the pen on an inconspicuous place in the book before using.

SizeA6 Width 4.1" x Height 5.8" x Thickness 0.6" (105mm x 149mm x 14mm
Page count464 pages
Paper typeThin, lightweight Tomoe River paper with low leakage
Grid size4mm
Yearly calendar2015 - 2016
Yearly indexDec. 2014 - Mar. 2016 (8 pages)
Monthly calendarDec. 2014 - Mar. 2016 (32 pages)
Daily pagesDec. 24, 2014 - Jan. 16, 2016 (390 pages)
*December 24-31, 2014 and January 1-16, 2016 are two-days-per-page.
Daily quotesIncluded (English, one per two-day spread)
Weekly diaryNot included
Memo sheets20 pages
Informational pagesInternational Size Charts
Random-Selection Games around the World
A Guide to Ryokans
Spices and Herbs around the World
International Country Codes / Calling Codes
National Holidays
Personal Notes
Listed informationDay of the year
Week of the year (listed on monthly calendar)
Moon phase
-Listed on all daily pages
-Full moon and new moon listed on monthly calendars
International holidays (Argentina / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Brazil / Canada / China /
Denmark / Egypt / Finland / France / Germany / Hong Kong / Hungary / Ireland /
Israel / Italy / Japan / Mexico / Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway / Portugal /
South Korea / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / United Kingdom / USA)

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