Tomitaro MakinoYamazakuraWeeks Hardcover Book (Japanese)

    This Weeks book features an intricately-drawn illustration of a sakura, or cherry tree. The image is from the preface of the first volume of a book series called “Flora Japonica” written by botanist Tomitaro Makino and released in 1900. The page featured an entry on the Yamazakura, which means “mountain cherry” and is often seen as a symbolic tree of Japan. This diagram is drawn out with such detail, it will leave you mesmerized. The rough fabric of the book cover is modeled after canvas, and the deep knowledge, experience, and careful observation behind the botanical illustration make this book a joy to have in your daily life.

    Around 120 years ago, the science community began to construct diagrams of the Yamazakura by studying it with magnifying lenses and microscopes. Professor Makino illustrated detailed images of the tree’s branches, flower petals, and overall structure to create a diagram that would become one of his greatest-known works. He used a paintbrush made of mouse hair and added shadows to the illustration to make the living texture of the flower petals really pop off the page.

    Underneath the spectacular botanical diagram is the scientific name of the Yamazakura: “Prunus Pseudo - Cerasus, Lindl., α. Spontanea, Maxim.”

    When you order this Hobonichi Techo Weeks, you’ll receive a clear, adhesive corner pocket and a mini-size fold-out Hobonichi Japan Railway Map 2019.

    If you’d like storage space or a way to change up the look of your Weeks book, you can customize your book by pairing it with a Weeks cover.

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    About Botanist Tomitaro Makino

    Born April 24, 1862 in present-day Sakawa Town, Kochi Prefecture. Raised in the rich natural surroundings of Tosa City and began to study botany independently as a young child. Moved to Tokyo and devoted himself to botanical research through the Department of Botany at Tokyo University’s Faculty of Science. Founded “The Botanical Magazine” with a close friend in 1887 and collaborated together to publish their discovery of the flowering plant Yamatogusa. Collected over 400,000 specimens during the 94-year span of his life, and named over 1,500 discovered species. Known as the “Father of Japanese Botany.”

    Photograph/information provided by the Makino Botanical Garden.

    Staff List

    Styled Images: Kimiko Kaburaki / Product Detail: Hiroyuki Oe
    Megumi Nishimori
    Nami Annen (Spoon.)
    Read More
    Tomitaro MakinoYamazakuraWeeks Hardcover Book (Japanese)



    W: 94 x H: 188 x T: 10 mm / W: 3.7" x H: 7.4" x T: 0.4"
    *Specifications may vary slightly
    Approx. 136 g
    Main material
    Synthetic canvas, paper
    Weeks Book (Japanese / April Start)
    240 pages
    Paper Type
    Thin, light Tomoe River paper resistant to bleeding and designed for planners.
    Graph Paper Size
    3.55 mm
    Yearly Calendar
    2018, 2019, 2020
    Yearly Index
    Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020 (2 pages)
    Monthly Calendar
    Mar. 2019 - Apr. 2020 (28 pages)
    Weekly Quotes
    One per week (Japanese)
    Weekly Calendar
    Feb. 25, 2019 - Apr. 5, 2020 (116 pages)
    *All weekly pages include quotes.
    Graph Paper
    73 pages
    Informational Pages
    Shorthand Note-Taking / Graph Paper / Using Common Items to Measure Size / Solar Terms / Tips on Living Life in a Good Mood / Breakfast around the World / Introduction to Reading Classical Literature / Emergency Preparedness / Conversion Chart / Useful Links / Age Table / Contact List / Personal Notes
    Listed Information
    Week of the year / Rokuyo (traditional Japanese calendar) / Solar terms / Japanese holidays / Moon phase (weekly pages include every phase, monthly calendars only include full and new moon)
    List of Japanese holidays and era names in the 2019 Japanese techo
    -Information listed in the book is current as of September 2018.
    -Era names are not listed.
    -The names of dates relating to the Japanese emperor and the accession of the new emperor, including April 30th, May 1st, May 2nd, and October 22nd, will not be listed in the calendars.
    Weeks Book (Japanese / January Start)
    240 pages
    Paper Type
    Thin, light Tomoe River paper resistant to bleeding and designed for planners.
    Graph Paper Size
    3.55 mm
    Yearly Calendar
    2018, 2019, 2020
    Yearly Index
    Jan. - Dec. 2019 (2 pages)
    Monthly Calendar
    Dec. 2018 - Mar. 2020 (32 pages)
    Weekly Quotes
    One per week (Japanese)
    Weekly Calendar
    Nov. 27, 2018 - Jan. 6, 2020 (116 pages)
    *All weekly pages include quotes.
    Graph Paper
    68 pages
    Informational Pages
    Shorthand Note-Taking / Graph Paper / Using Common Items to Measure Size / Solar Terms / Tips on Living Life in a Good Mood / Breakfast around the World / Introduction to Reading Classical Literature / Emergency Preparedness / Conversion Chart / Useful Links / Age Table / Contact List / Personal Notes
    Listed Information
    Week of the year / Rokuyo (traditional Japanese calendar) / Solar terms / Japanese holidays / Moon phase (weekly pages include every phase, monthly calendars only include full and new moon)
    List of Japanese holidays and era names in the 2019 Japanese techo
    -Information listed in the book is current as of February 2018.
    -Era names are not listed.
    -The names of dates relating to the Japanese emperor and the accession of the new emperor, including April 30th, May 1st, May 2nd, and October 22nd, will not be listed in the calendars.

    Please Read Before You Buy

    In order to provide you with the most satisfaction for your product, we've compiled a list of warnings, potential issues, and tips to keep in mind for this particular product. Please be sure to read this information carefully before placing your order.

    Test fountain pens before regular use

    The Hobonichi Techo's Tomoe River paper is designed to prevent bleed-through, but some fountain pens and water-based ink pens are not compatible with this paper. When switching to a new pen, we recommend testing the pen somewhere in the book, such as the back memo pages, to see if the ink bleeds through or takes an especially long time to dry.

    Cover corners are slightly bumpy and shiny

    The corners of the cover contain light traces of press marks, shines, and lumps. This is an unavoidable part of the manufacturing process.

    Imprinted year numbers may peel

    The numbers of the year are stamped onto the cover in metallic or other colored leaf, so strong rubbing or everyday use may cause the numbers to peel off.

    Avoid storing in hot and humid places

    Please avoid storing your product in hot, humid places or placing it atop other objects for long periods of time as this may result in lower quality and color stains.

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    *Please note, these exchange rate estimates based on Xurrency.com are intended as a guide only. The actual rate for your order may differ, as exchange rates change constantly, and international purchase costs vary by credit card.

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