Guide to Choosing a Hobonichi Techo with Professor Techo
Q1.) What should I use for my first book?
If you’re not looking for anything in particular, I recommend the Planner. This is the English-translated version of the Original with slight design changes, and the Original already has 18 years of polishing and improvements under its belt!
The other versions were created years after the Original, in response to customers who used the Original and let us know what other features they were looking for. So give the English-version a shot to keep things easy, and once you’re familiar with it, you’ll know if you’d rather switch to a Cousin so you can write more in your entries, or a Weeks so you can view a week at a glance.
Q2.) I want a light book!
If you want the lightest book in the lineup, then the Weeks is for you. The book weighs a mere 140 g (5 oz) and fits easily into the pocket of a suit or bag. Although the book is slim, the Weeks has a formidable number of blank memo pages. And if “lots” of memo pages aren’t enough for you, we’ve got the Weeks Mega, which has “tons” of memo pages. (That is, three times the number of the standard Weeks!)
Q3.) I want a lightweight daily planner.
If you want to cut down the weight of your book but still have a full year’s worth of daily pages, then the two-book Avec set is a good choice. Because the year is split into six months per book, each slimmed-down book is half the weight of its full-year counterpart. There is an Avec two-book edition for the A6 Original and A5 Cousin. The individual books fit into the same covers as the standard full-year books, so you can still shop for whichever cover strikes your fancy. The Avec is also great for users who want to paste all kinds of things into their books, as it prevents the book from getting too bulky.
Q4.) I want to keep a parenting diary / work notebook.
The Cousin is good if you’re using the book in a way that you can leave it on a desk at home or at work, and not carry it around. It’s great for collecting a lot of information into a single book, and although the quotes are in Japanese, the book is super easy to use, even for English speakers. There’s plenty of space in each page, so you’ve got room to tape in photos, notes, paperwork, and much more. The Cousin also has an exclusive section: the weekly pages! It’s perfect for scheduling and allows you to see a full week at a glance. If you’d like to carry the book around but don’t want the extra weight, you can use the lighter Cousin Avec two-book set, or downsize to an A6 Planner or Original.
Q5.) I’d like to use two books together. What do you recommend?
Users who have kept multiple books have commonly told us how they set a theme for each individual book. For example, they set a theme for each book before they start using it: a diary, a study notebook, a sports fan’s team-tracking notebook, a shared family notebook, a health tracker, or other kind of notebook. That allowed them to know what to write in which book.
So if you’d like to use more than one book, it’s probably easiest to start by establishing what you’d like to write or keep track of in each.
Q6.) I don’t write much, though…
Ah, yes. The first thing I would like to say is, “That’s fine!”
The most important thing is having a comfortable experience using your book. If you only write in it once in a while when you actually feel like writing, that’s more than enough.
Because we’ve been talking about things to keep in mind when choosing a techo, if you’ve already used the Hobonichi Techo and were particularly bothered by blank pages, it might help to get a book with smaller spaces for each entry. That would be the Weeks book or the 5-Year Techo. There’s a certain joy that comes from writing in every day’s entry. (But if you ask me, I see no problem with a blank techo.)
But if you’ve never used a Hobonichi Techo, I recommend the Planner. I think you’ll be surprised at how many things you can casually jot down into it. It’s also very easy to fill in your book with the simple act of taping things into the pages. Try taping in ticket stubs, sticky notes jotted with self-reminders or notes to you, washi tape, stickers, even wrappers or other things that could make people tilt their head. Give it a try, and you’ll see just how fun it can get.
Q7.) I want to use the Hobonichi Techo, but all I need is a monthly calendar.
Have we got good news for you! We’ve actually got a brand new product coming to the Hobonichi Techo 2020 lineup, called the Day-Free This is a new book in the techo family that will be released on November 1, 2019. The Day-Free is like a notebook with a monthly calendar in it. Other than that monthly calendar, the rest of the book is a blank graph-paper notebook you can use any way you like. There’s also a little treat in the corner of the notebook pages. We put a lot of work into the Day-Free, so we hope you’ll check it out!
I hope you have an enjoyable time picking out your techo!Relax, and have fun. Good luck!
*Please note, these exchange rate estimates based on are intended as a guide only. The actual rate for your order may differ, as exchange rates change constantly, and international purchase costs vary by credit card.
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