Haniwa Clips / Kofun Clips

These Haniwa and Kofun Clips come in an easy-to-use size that can act as bookmarks in your techo or hold paperwork together.

The Haniwa Clips are pictured with a pose similar to the dancing Haniwa at the Tokyo National Museum, and there’s something charming about how inexplicably silly their facial expressions are. There are six clips total, three brown and three orange.

The Kofun Clips are simple yet unique and shaped after kofun, which are keyhole-shaped tombs. There are eight clips total, four green and four yellow-green.

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Product Detail: Hiroyuki Oe
Haniwa Clips / Kofun Clips



Haniwa Clips
SizeW: 300mm x H: 320mm / W: 11.8" x H: 12.6"
WeightApprox. 10 g
Main materialIron
Kofun Clips
SizeW: 300mm x H: 320mm / W: 11.8" x H: 12.6"
WeightApprox. 9 g
Main materialIron

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Store in areas out of reach from small children

Please store this item in areas out of reach from children.