Gurunpa’s Kindergarten is a beloved children’s book from over 50 years ago, first released in 1965. The longtime favorite book was written by Minami Nishiuchi and illustrated by Seiichi Horiuchi.
This Gurunpa plush doll was created by plush manufacturer Sekiguchi. He’s got a cute sitting pose, and at six inches tall is about the size of the palm of a hand. He has soft fur, pink cheeks, big ears and a long trunk. He’s extremely cute at any angle and is soothing to look at. His neck turns 180 degrees so you can turn his head to your preferred angle and admire him when he’s faced a little to the side. This plush is good for keeping in a place you see all the time, such as on your desk or in the entryway in your house.
Text © Minami Nishiuchi 1965
Illustrations © Seiichi Horiuchi 1965
Born in 1938 in Kyoto. Graduated from Tokyo Women’s University. Worked as a copywriter for an advertising agency after graduating. At the encouragement of Seiichi Horiuchi, wrote Gurunpa’s Kindergarten, her first children’s book. Has since released many other children’s books, including Yu and the Troublesome Rhino (published by Fukuinkan Shoten) and When You Think It, Do It! (published by Kogumasha).
Born in Tokyo. Worked as a graphic designer for several publications including camera and fashion magazines. Also illustrated many children’s books, including How Many Cars?, Branky the Black Horse, Stop, Taro!, Crossing the Snow, The Secret Garden (all published by Fukuinkan Shoten), and The Doll’s House (published by Iwanami Shoten).
Size | H: 150mm / H: 5.9" |
Weight | Approx. 60 g |
Main material | Polyester |
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You can use your hand to spin the neck. This may make the neck seem unstable, but this is not a defect.