Q-rais Keeps On

The Hobonichi Techo 2019 Spring (April start) features 4 new covers by artist Q-rais: Suki-Usagi is on an A6 Original and A5 Cousin cover, as well as a Weeks book cover, while Chikyu-chan has an A6 Original cover. Both characters were created by manga artist and animator Q-rais. In addition to Suki-Usagi, the artist has a manga featuring many different characters and posts new updates online every single day. We sat down to talk with the diligent artist.

Part 2Cooking and Walks

Do you have a set routine every day?
I wake up at a different time every morning. I can’t function without a full night’s sleep, so I make sure to get about 8 hours of sleep every night.
What do you do after you get up?
I take a shower, brush my teeth, then start drawing. I have lunch around noon.
You’ve got really delicious-looking pictures of your bento lunches on Twitter and your blog.
Yeah, I’ll make myself a bento once in a while. On those days I take a shower, brush my teeth, then make a bento. I’ll draw when I’m done making it, then eat at noon.
Do you always eat at the same time?
I do. I’ll draw for a few hours, then go on a walk at 3 PM.
Is that also every day?
Yeah. I take a walk and get home around 4 PM.
That’s a pretty long walk.
It’s just part of the routine. I’ll think of storylines as I walk, and take notes. I take a bath at 5 PM and read a book. I love reading in the bathtub. After I get out I go back to drawing, and go to bed around midnight.
And that’s every day.
Same thing every day.
Do you just make bento boxes when the mood strikes?
Yeah. When it’s cold outside, I tend to make curry instead of bento boxes. Lately I’m hooked on curry recipes that start by putting all the spices together.
Sounds authentic.
I get all the different spices together, then arrange them however I like that day. Like if I want to, I can put a bit more spices in than usual and change it up.
Have you always been good at cooking?
I’ve cooked for myself since college, but I only made really simple things. When I was in graduate school, I bought a recipe book of French cuisine, made my way through every page, and tried out every dish.
French cuisine?
I wanted to try cooking something complicated. But even with that, if you’ve got all the ingredients and a cookbook, you can make it.
So you were able to cook everything in the book?
I was. Provence-style sea bream, duck orange sauce, everything.
If you’ve got the ingredients and follow the instructions correctly, you can cook. It’s like assembling one of those plastic model kits.
Do you enjoy cooking?
I sure do. It’s relaxing.
What’s the most enjoyable part of cooking?
When I make a bento, I tend to pick out dishes that can can sit a little. I enjoy preparing everything the night before, packing them into containers, and putting them in the refridgerator.
Do you have matching-size containers?
Nah, they’re all mix-matched.
Tell us a little more about your walks. Do you depend on those walks to give you ideas for storylines?
No, not necessarily. I can come up with ideas even when I’m not walking outside, but if I don’t go out on those walks, I’d be inside my house all day long.
Even a pig or a cow or a chicken couldn’t handle a life like that.
So I made it a point to force myself to walk outside every day, no matter how busy I am. It’s been good for my mental health, and I feel totally different when I’m out in the sunlight.
Do you walk the same path?
I’ve got two courses and pick one depending on my mood.
What about rainy days?
Even on rainy days I’ll grab an umbrella and go on a walk if I feel like I need the exercise.
Do you ever take a day off?
So you’re really drawing every single day?
Yeah. I’ll go to the bathouse about once a month, but that’s about it.
Is it hard drawing so many comics every single day?
If I had to say, then I’d say it’s hard.
Is it hard because you run out of story ideas?
No, it’s hard because I simply don’t have enough time. I have a ton of things I want to draw, and plenty of story ideas, but I just don’t have enough time for it all.
How long does it take to draw a single comic?
It varies a lot. It depends on my drawing style and how much is drawn into the panels.
It must be hard to continue something every single day. What’s your greatest motivation?
I’m definitely motivated by the people following my work. I’m so grateful when people respond well to my comics and write me letters. It’s because of these people that I want to continue this for a long time, and that I’m able to upload my comics every single day without fail.
Thank you for meeting with us today.
Thank you!


To celebrate the release of the Suki-Usagi and Chikyu-chan covers in the Hobonichi Techo 2019 Spring lineup, Q-rais has drawn us a special comic starring both characters!

