Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

[My New Stationery - Spring 2024]
Using pens with different thicknesses.

Hello, Watanabe here from the techo team.

Now, let me get right to the point: my writing is very small. I also tend to be long-winded when I write. So I was having a hard time making my to-do lists legible.

I thought maybe I could find a solution by changing up the thickness of my pen lines, so I tried out various nib sizes.

This is a Copic Multiliner. Ifm trying the 0.5mm thickness to write my to-do list headers, and 0.1mm thickness for their details.

I draw the checkboxes for my to-do list and the gTo Doh title with a thick line, and write in further details with a thinner pen. This way I wonft overlook my to-do list. (I think.)

On that note, my thin pen isnft a Copic Multiliner, but a 0.3mm Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto 5-color pen.

I feel like 5-color ballpoint pens are relatively rare. (It comes with 10 refill colors and you make a set with 5 at a time.)

And even though itfs thin, it writes smoothly. The pen feels like it just glides across the paper, so itfs satisfying to write with. I feel like my long writing entries might get even longer at this rate.

The pen uses ink made of a special biopolymer, so the ink hardens quickly on the paper and doesnft bleed.

I wrote down my plans in green letters, and in red I wrote my thoughts afterwards, as well as newly laid plans.

This color coordination is intuitive to me, so I feel like I have a hang of it so far.

Look forward to the next issue of Hobonichi Techo News to see our next round of stationery and accessories!