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Hoshino's 5-Year Techo

Hi everyone. Todayfs Techo News is about how Hobonichi Techo team member Hoshino uses her 5-Year Techo.

Hoshino started using her 5-Year Techo in 2018. She opens her techo after breakfast, looks back on her entries for the past few years, and briefly writes about how the day before was.

Below are Hoshinofs comments.

£My 5-Year Techo set. Fountain pen that I choose depending on my mood, pencil board in place of a bookmark, and blotting paper.

To be honest, there were days when I didn't feel like writing. However, from my second year, it was interesting to be able to look back on the year before, and sometimes even find days where I had done the exact same thing. Ifm glad I pushed through and wrote every day. I feel that the 5-Year Techo gets way more interesting from the second year.

£My techo has puffed up nicely over the years.

šHow I use the pages on the right side

The right side of the Hobonichi 5-Year Techo are blank pages. At first, I wasnft sure how to use it, but have settled to write in things that didnft fit in the left pages, or paste things that I want to look back on throughout the five years.

More recently Ifve decided to boldly paste thick postcards or things that fill up the whole page.

£A postcard I received during lockdown.

£A sticker that was pasted on a snack that my mother bought me, and a drawing that someone drew for me on a package that was sent to me at work.

£A saying that was on a page-a-day calendar that made me surprised.

£Lyrics of gBridge Over Troubled Waterh that I listened to for the first time in a long time.

I still have lots of blank pages though, so I might paste and write something everyday in my fifth year.

šThe gMy Listsh at the back of the book

The 5-Year Techo includes a page named gMy Listsh where you can create lists of a theme of your choice.

I made a list of places I want to go during the five years, and I currently have ticked off one place, Russia.

It might not seem a lot considering Ifve used it for more than 3 years, but Russia is a country that I wanted to go since I was a teenager so it was a big step for me.

£I always dreamed of going to Russia. My chosen destination was Vladivostok.

I also recommend writing a list of food to cheer you up when youfre feeling low.

These things are actually quite easy to forget when youfre not feeling your best.

The fun of the 5-Year Techo comes from seeing how you overlap with, or differ from your past self. 5-Year Techo users in your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year, how is your techo from the second year onwards?

Now might be a time when you're feeling less motivated to write everyday (and there's definitely no need to do so of course) but we hope you enjoy writing in it so it'll be more exciting for your future self!