Hobonichi Techo NEWS

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Turning your drawing into stickers

Hi everyone. Todayfs techo news is about a small technique by crew member Iwakuro on how he turns his drawings into stickers!

Iwakuro has two small daughters, and often draws with them.

He decided to turn animals he drew out of an encyclopedia with his children into stickers.

First of all, he draws using a pencil and colored pencil. (His tip is to not worry too much even if the proportions get wonky.) He then scans the drawing.

He lines up the scanned animals once shrinking them down in size, and prints them out on an A4 sized printable sticker paper. (Iwakuro used the A-one label seal in Matte white.)

Once he cuts them out with scissors, theyfre all complete! He feels that when they turn out into these cute small stickers, the wonkiness doesnft bother him anymore.

It might be fun to paste it in your techo,

or paste it on simple sticky notes.

The Anything Pocket (Clear) is perfect to store the stickers you havenft used!

Thatfs all Ifve got today. I hope you have fun making your very own stickers to make your techo even more special!