Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

Discover the charms of the
Hobonichi Techo Cover. Vol.1

Hi everyone! The Hobonichi Techo Official Site is currently holding the Discover! Sale. We hope you take this opportunity to discover your favorite cover!

Starting today, Ifll be introducing you to Hobonichi Techo team members and their stories related to techo covers, such as their memorable covers, or their most favorite cover.

For today, let me introduce you to how Shimada utilizes her techo cover that she isnft using for her techo.



Today Ifd like to share how I use my Hobonichi Techo cover.

The cover I used in 2020 was Taut, a leather cover that fits snugly around the Hobonichi Techo (pictured on the left). For this year, I chose Dark Cherry, which is a leather cover that has a deep color reminiscent of real dark cherries (pictured on the right).

Although I did switch up covers, I was quite fond of the Taut cover and kept it by my side.

It was perfect for stationery that doesnft have much thickness, so before I knew it, my Taut cover turned into a case to store sticky notes and stickers.

I laid out everything I keep inside, but as you can see, it fits quite a lot.

I can easily open and close it and pull out items I need on the spot. Although itfs slightly different to how itfs supposed to be used, I found it comes in handy.

This was my small introduction on how I use covers I donft use for my techo any more!

Hobonichi Techo Discover! Sale

The Hobonichi Techo Official Site is holding sale for a limited period! A variety of techo covers and standard Hobonichi Original stationery are offered at 30% off. Orders made during this period comes with a sheet of stickers.

Period: Tuesday, April 27 11:00 AM Japan time to Wednesday, May 12 at 11:00 AM Japan time

Discover! Sale