Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

Having fun with stickers

Hi everyone! Have you checked out the latest Stationery Club article? This time, stationery club members Komata, Annen and Ogawa turned simple-looking techo spreads into a more colorful one by using stickers. Stickers are such an easy way to change up the look of your techo without having to draw. (Therefs also something therapeutic about sticking on stickers too...)

>Check out the article

Because all the usage examples in the article were written in Japanese, for todayfs Techo News, I decided to make an English version.

This is the Japanese version of the spread Ifm making today

I started out by using a 3-color Jetstream ballpoint pen to fill in my techo. I write down the weekly schedule at the start of the week on the left-hand side, and add the to-do check boxes on the right side as the week progresses. Although it looks clean, I do want to add a bit more color.

As my first step to make it look a bit more colorful, I used dot stickers, speech bubble stickers and frame stickers to make important parts stand out. (I have a vague rule of using blue-ish stickers for my personal life, and red-toned colors for work, but thatfs not always the case to be honestc)

I finished off by filling up the empty spaces with even more stickers. This is the tricky part, because I lose track of where to stop! I always feel like itfs missing something, add a few stickers, and realize Ifve gone too far (plus, as I mentioned earlier, pasting stickers is so much fun). Which is why I find washi tapes useful because you can easily backtrack by peeling them off. (Hobonichi Frame Stickers and Speech Bubble stickers use tracing paper material so you can peel them off too! Having said that, you need to be careful of not going through the process of sticking and peeling too much because they end up curling up around the corners.)

The finished product!

Ever since making these usage examples, I have been on the hunt for cute stickers to paste in my techo. Thatfs the other thing - techofs are a great outlet of pasting your stickers! When I was little, I used to collect lots of stickers and had exchanged my favorite stickers with friends to paste it my sticker notebook (is this a thing in other countries? I tried looking for mine to show you a picture but failed to find itc) but never ended up using them. The rare occasion I did so is when I wrote letters to my friends, but other than that, I felt that they were too precious to use.

However, as I grew older, I learned that itfs such a waste not to use them (the same goes with pens, notebooks and all kinds of stationery) but there was still a part of me that felt reluctant to use it. Thatfs why techofs are the perfect outlet, because theyfre something Ifll keep and look back on for a long time, so although Ifll have used my stickers, Ifll always be able to look at them. I also think that the stickers I choose reflect my personal likings of that time, so thatfll make it more fun to look back on.

Well, thatfs all Ifve got for this week. I hope you have fun using your stickers on your techos, too! If you have any cool ways you use your techo, please share them with us through this page to be featured there.

Ifll see you next time!