Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

[This is what I love about
the Hobonichi Techo!]
The Tomoe River paper

Hello, Ifm Shimada from the Techo team.

For this series of gWhat I love about the Hobonichi Techo,h I would like to share some stuff about the paper.

As many of you might already know, the features of the gTomoe Riverh paper used for the Hobonichi Techo include:

gResistant to ink bleedh
gThin but durableh
gEasy ink transferh

I still remember when I first picked up the Hobonichi Techo, what struck me most was the texture of the paper.

Itfs thin but firm with a crispy feel that Ifve never felt before. I thought it was kind of similar to the Japanese gKaishih paper. (Although this is just my personal opinion)

I donft know why but the touch of it makes me want to fold it, and I ended up dog-earing the pages.

We will be starting to use new Tomoe River paper for the 2024 version techo.

The techo will be useful as they have been, and we hope you to enjoy them further on.

Please look forward to the next issue of Hobonichi Techo News!