Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

[This is why I chose this techo for 2024]
Shiny silver and smartness.

Hi everyone! I'm Iwasawa from the techo team.

The gHobonichi Techo Newsh is brought to you by members of the Hobonichi Techo team. This time, techo team members will share the techo, covers, and stationery they chose for 2024 under the title of gThis is why I chose this techo for 2024.h

If you're still choosing which techo to go for, or are looking for stationery to accompany your techo, we hope this series will help you out!

I will be starting off this series, so without further ado, this is my lineup!

I lined up all the items I chose this time. Let me introduce each item to you.

Firstly, I chose the PAMM: Generous Interior Techo as my techo cover. There are three reasons as to why I chose this cover.

1. The silver foil-press on the front cover

The sparkly silver on the front of the PAMM cover caught my eye. I simply thought that the sparkliness would make me feel excited every day. I also like how the silver foil covers a large part of the front cover.

2. The pockets are also printed with shapes!

Open the techo to find shapes on the pocket too! On top of that, even these shapes are printed in silver! The shapes are all different and makes me think how well thought out it is. I like how these shapes peek out from the pockets.

3. The bookmark is wavy

Bookmarks are something that catches your eye often. The wavy design is cool and I know it will make me happy everytime I use this cover.

I plan to set it with the A6 size Avec like always and use it as a diary.

A new choice for me was the HON that appeared last year. I went for Tomitaro Makino's Yamazakura design.

I am going to use this techo for work. However, it's actually my first time using a page per day techo for work, as I had always opted for the combination of a Weeks book and a Hobonichi Plain Notebook. I've still yet to decide how to use the daily pages.

The reason why I still went for the HON is because I thought its smartness is perfect as a work techo. I will continue to think how I'd pair it with the Weeks (which I have still yet to buy).

I can't help but admire how beautiful the lines are in Dr. Makino's botanical illustrations. His exquisite illustrations match the simplicity of the HON. Just thinking that I can use this techo at the office makes me excited for next year.

Because the HON doesn't come with a pocket, I have already purchased the "Anything Pocket" that creates a pocket by simply sticking it on to temporarily keep small bits and pieces.

Other stationery that I have purchased are the Kanako Kagaya's Deco Rush "Familiar Sights" and the Pochitto6 "Animal Parade".

These are so fun to push and pull that I've already started using them. I think it's cute to push the same motif of the Pochitto6 multiple times.

I also chose Jin Kitamura's pencil board, Mildliner and Pulaman.

The pandas drawn by Kitamura are so adorable. Additionally, I added the Mildliner and the Pulaman to the lineup. I'm not sure if I'd be able to use them well, but new stationery excites you doesn't it!

That's all I've got for today!

Look forward to learning what other team members have chosen.

- PAMM: Generous Interior Techo [A6 Original size cover]
- Hobonichi Techo 2024 Japanese Original Avec Books
- Tomitaro Makino: Yamazakura [HON / A6 size]
- Jin Kitamura: Hobonichi Pencil Board (Love it (Panda))
- Deco Rush - Familiar Sights by Kanako Kagaya
- Pochitto6 Push-Button Stamp (Animal Parade)
- Anything Pocket
- Mildliner (Pastel Mild 5-Color Set)
- Pulaman JM20 (Black, Blue)