Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

[Why I chose this techo for 2024]
But I canft make up my mind.

Hello, Shiori from the techo team here.

This series of the Hobonichi Techo News is "Why I chose this techo for 2024."


I havenft even decided yet!

Every year, I use the following four kinds of techos:
-For work
-April-start for journaling
-For exhibits
-5-Year Techo

I always used a Monday-start Original for my work techo, but now that the HON is out, I canft tell if I want a techo that uses a cover or not.

Since Ifm still on the fence about my techo, Ifve started by picking out my stationery. First, Ifve got my usual Plain Notebook with graph paper.

I use this when coming up with project ideas by brainstorming and scribbling in it, but I wanted a small pocket to store things in so I scrapped together a homemade pocket using a sticky note.

Therefs no way this is going to stay in here. Guess this isnft much of a pocket.
Ifll go with an actual cover.

This is Opanchu Usagi (Stationery). Itfs PVC and lightweight.

It also has pockets on both the back and the front, so itfs really handy.

You can put all kinds of stationery in here.
Ifm going with this one!

I also picked out the Pochitto6 hYummy Daysh design.

I also got a pencil board with the Love it (Panda) design by Kitamura.

All the pandas playing around with tires are so cute!

Herefs a case I got for my laptop.
Itfs the PAMM: Generous Interior Laptop Case.

Therefs a pocket on the back thatfs really convenient.

But my materialism doesnft end there!
Next I got the Porter: Mini Wallet - Stroll Jr.

Itfs a mini version of the techo cover Stroll.
I knew I wanted one ever since showed me a sample. It looks like a mini wallet, but it also has a tiny notebook inside it, so Ifd like to use it to take notes when Ifm on trips.

Last but not least is the Mini Banana Hammer DX.

I have no intention of using it as a hammer, but I felt compelled to have it.

So Ifve got my accessories, and now I just need to pick the main item! I think Ifll waffle for a little longer.