Hobonichi Techo NEWS

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[Potential of the Hobonichi Techo]
Fun findings thanks to writing it down!

Hi, Ifm Shiozaki from the techo team.

The theme of this series of Techo Newsf is gThe potential of the Hobonichi Techo.h

I wonder what it could be?

Perhaps it could be that when you write about something you like, you feel excited and want to write more, and as you write more you find something new and interesting about it.

Ifll talk about things that I have fun writing in my Hobonichi Techo.

My pal is the Weeks

This year, I wanted to add greenery in my room and ended up adding more to my collection of succulent plants.

I thought succulent plants would be easy to take care of and look cute, but when you water them varies depending on the type.

I had grown attached to these plants, and felt this urge to not let them die so I started using the Hobonichi Techo to manage their watering schedules.

I tried it out on the monthly calendar of the Weeks so that I can see a monthfs worth of plans at a glance.

I started out by simply keeping a record of when I watered them.

The pages looked quite bland to start off with
As the days passed, each plant started to develop their own character and I felt like I wanted to keep a record of how theyfre growing on top of managing their watering schedules.

On busy days Ifd just jot down a few words but when I have the time I add illustrations. I have a laid back approach to these pages. Because I use the monthly calendar, Ifm not too bothered when I have days where I donft write anything at all.

My page from July looks cheerful and Ifve become attached to it

I found more things I want to write, and so I started keeping a record of the seasonal flowers I see when going on walks.

Ifm currently into adding seasonal illustrations on holidays

Therefs a free space on the left and bottom side of the calendar, and I like how I can write comments about the month as a whole in this space.

Comments to refer to next year

With this method, I can keep a record of the changes each month so I can feel the seasons while at the same time seeing how my plants have grown.

As I wrote little by little, I started coming up with ideas on how the page would be easier to see, and found more things I want to write about. My curiosity expanded the more I wrote.

Creating an exciting spread as I write about a single theme on something I like made me encounter many happy findings.

Although these pages arenft perfect, as long as I continue to write, Ifm positive I can find a new gpotential!h

The Hobonichi Techo 2025 Preview Stadium has fun information on the new lineup every day, so please check it out!