Hobonichi Techo NEWS

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their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

My Hobonichi Techo for 2025 |
MOTHER to be continued ORc?

Hello, Ifm Beckham 3 from the Techo Book Production Team!

Since November, the theme for My Hobonichi Techo for 2025 in the gHobonichi Techo Newsh has been in full swing. Now that wefve entered December, members of the planner team have been eagerly introducing their selections one after another.

Alright, riding this wave, let me share the planners Ifve chosen!

Before that, herefs what I used this year:
For my planner book, I had the gJapanese Cousin Avec Booksh, paired with the gMOTHER: Strikes Back!h cover. For my HON (A6 Size), I used gMOTHER: Earthbound Beginnings.h

My MOTHER series setup - it was fantastic!

The spacious Cousin Avec was primarily for work, while the HON was for personal journaling. Looking back, even though I just wrote in them recently, they already feel a bit nostalgic.

A page written with gSquat 15-15h and my personal gAcademy Awards List.h

To my delight, the MOTHER series HON is back for 2025! Without hesitation, Ifll be passing the baton from the first edition, gMOTHER: Earthbound Beginnings,h to the second edition, gMOTHER: You come buying? You can sell, too.h To be continued!

Just holding a MOTHER planner sparks joy.

For my work planner in 2025, Ifm sticking with the Cousin Avec. It offers ample writing space without being bulky and is easy to carry around. Honestly, the Cousin Avec is my personal gtop pick planner.h

Fellow Avec fans out there, you get it, right?

So far, Ifve been cruising along, but now my momentum has come to a screeching halt.

The issue? Deciding on a cover for my Avec.

I was planning to keep using the gMOTHER: Strikes Back!h cover I loved this year. But an unexpected challenger appeared for 2025.

Behold! gMasamune Kusano x junaida: Himitsu Stranger.h

I adore both junaidafs work and Spitz, so this cover, made by our own techo team, feels like cheating?itfs just too good.

Back in March, I even went to the gHimitsu Stranger Exhibitionh at Hobo Nichiyobi, and it was fantastic.

junaidafs artwork and the exhibitfs presentation were simply outstanding.

Now, my previously firm decision to stick with the MOTHER series for 2025 is wavering.

To stick with tradition or to change *that* is the question.

Caught between two options, I thought, gSince itfs an Avec, I could switch covers between the first and second halves of the year.h But for now, Ifm putting this dilemma on hold.

Instead, I moved on to pick another planner?a Weeks dedicated to hobby journaling.

And guess what? Another battle broke out!

Once again, itfs gMOTHERh VS gHimitsu Strangerh!

On one hand, therefs gMOTHER: Smiles & Tears.h On the other, therefs gMasamune Kusano x junaida: Through the Purple Night.h

Ifm thrilled by the options, but I love them both! It feels like a grand sumo match between two titans, and my mind is already splitting into gRed Teamh and gWhite Teamh for a mental song contest. Do I really have to choose?

This annual delightful agony?what is it all about? Could it be the work of the mysterious gTecho Maskh?

Even the boy on the left is saying, gCan I think it over a bit more?h

As we near the end of the year, Ifll make my final decision before Hobonichi Storefs last shipping day or Tobichifs holiday break. If you havenft chosen your 2025 planner yet, letfs decide together! The journey to finding the perfect planner continues.

Up next is another member of the techo team, who Ifm sure has made a sharp decision. Stay tuned for the next Techo News!