HobonichiHobonichi Memo Pad Set for Weeks

    This graph memo pad is perfect to carry around with the Weeks.

    Pages are made with the same strong Tomoe River paper from the planner book, which is thin enough to allow each 40-page memo pad to remain under 2 mm thick. The graph paper size is 3.55 mm, the same as Weeks.

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    Product Detail: Hiroyuki Oe
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    HobonichiHobonichi Memo Pad Set for Weeks



    Hobonichi Memo Pad Set for Weeks
    W: 80 mm × H: 176 mm × T: 2 mm
    22 g
    Main material
    Tomoe River paper
    Other information
    Contents: Set of 3 books with 3.55 mm grid paper

    Page Count: 40 pages (20 sheets) each

    Binding Type: Sewn saddle stitch

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