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Hobonichi Techo PlannerInformational

Memo page

The 2022 planner includes 16 dotted pages in the back for recording random thoughts and sketches or storing items of interest that aren’t time-sensitive.

Important Contacts

This page provides a place to keep up to 7 entries of often-used contacts and emergency contact information.

International Size Charts

Comparison charts for Japan, the US, the UK, and Europe include items such as clothing, shoes, hats and rings.

Conversion Table

This chart features conversions between units of measurement for easy reference and calculation, including a small ruler to measure centimeters and inches.

My 100

You can make a list for anything you want: things to accomplish this year, books you’ve read, movies you’ve seen, snacks you’ve tried, shops you want to visit — it’s up to you!

Donburi Rice Bowls

Learn about “donburi” rice bowl dishes like tendon and gyudon with this list featuring introductions and delicious-looking illustrations of each one.

Animal Proverbs and Sayings

An illustrated tour through Japanese phrases that reference animals, such as “give a gold piece to a cat” (pearls before swine) and “pray into the ear of a horse” (preach into deaf ears).

Personal Notes

Be sure to enter your contact information on the Personal Notes page in the back of your planner in case it’s misplaced.