Yearly calendar
A convenient double-page spread shows the yearly calendars for 2022, 2023 and 2024 at one glance as a useful reference when planning ahead.
Yearly index
The yearly index covers 4 months per page for a total of 16 months, allowing users to track long-term plans and information (the A5 Cousin size covers 6 months per 2 page spread for a total for 12 months). The top of each monthly column includes 4 lines of space for recording any kind of information, such as that month’s goals or commitments, or drawing in checkboxes for a to-do list.
*Please note, these exchange rate estimates based on open exchange rates are intended as a guide only. The actual rate for your order may differ, as exchange rates change constantly, and international purchase costs vary by credit card.
*The "incl. tax" in the product price means the Japanese consumption tax included. In some countries, packages from Hobonichi may require the payment of customs duty and consumption tax upon arrival.
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