Hobonichi Techo NEWS

Techo team members will be talking about sales information,
their recommended stationery, usage examples, and more.

[This is what I love about
the Hobonichi Techo!]
A modest but pleasing feature.

Hi, Ifm Iwasawa from the Techo team.

The gHobonichi Techo Newsh is brought to you by members of the Hobonichi Techo team. For this series, we share what we love about the Hobonichi Techo.

My favorite part of the Hobonichi Techo is the g180-degree lay-flat binding!h
The way it flops open is so pleasant.

This feature is so plain and unphotogenic, but something I wish all books like novels and essays had. I have always been delighted with how the Hobonichi Techo lays flat when itfs open.

Ifve had a hard time writing on notebooks like ring binder notebooks with bumpy spines, since some parts of the pages are easy to write on while other parts are hard to write on, and the writing becomes disorganized. Writing while holding the notebook with my hand would make it better, but that feels a bit troublesome. This small problem felt quite stressful to me.

Whatfs good about the Hobonichi Techo is that although it is thick, it can still be easily opened 180 degrees, making it easy to write on. I also like the fact that I can keep it open without having to hold it down with my hand, which makes it easy to write and also easy to read what I have written.

As a Weeks book user, I start my work days by checking the dayfs to-dos in my techo and keep the techo open while I work.

The techo is always there next to my computer

I can go through the schedule of my week to find out what work I should do first, or organize some drafts looking at the notes of my ideas. It makes it convenient to do things while taking a look at the techo.

Ifm also pleased with how the techo becomes easier to open as I use it, and I feel like itfs becoming the techo of my own.

Thatfs all for gWhat I love about the Hobonichi Techo!h Please look forward to what the other Techo team members have to say[I canft wait to read them either!