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Graph paper
The latter half of WEEKS is filled with 75 pages of 3.54 millimeter graph paper designed with a subtle vertical line that makes it easy to draw out your schedule or take notes. Page numbers make their debut in the 2016 version.
Shorthand note-taking (Japanese)
At the top of each notebook page is a list of abbreviations often used for shorthand note-taking.
Age table
This table lists the year people were born, and their age in 2016 at a quick glance. The number to the left of the year is the corresponding year based on the traditional Japanese Imperial Era calendar, and to the right of their age is the character for the Chinese Zodiac.
Solar terms (Japanese)
This section explains the names and origins of solar terms that make up the 24 points in traditional East Asian lunisolar calendars. These include well-known days such as the start of spring and the winter solstice, but also cover less familiar days such as "full grain" and "cold dew."
International country codes / dialling codes
Two-letter country codes are listed along with international dialling codes. (Japan, for example, is JP, and the dialling code is 81).
Emergency preparedness (Japanese)
This page contains a checklist of items to have ready in case of an emergency. There is also a space to list nearby evacuation zones (common in Japan), emergency contact information and topics discussed between family and friends.
Conversion table
This chart features conversions between units of measurement for easy reference and calculation.
Useful links
Links to some of our favorite useful sites, along with an index of articles that are quoted in the Hobonichi Techo.
Contact book
The address book allows you to write in the contact information for up to 24 people – especially useful if you ever forget your cell phone.